
Last updated: 16 August 2023

For more information on concerts, special services and workshops I am giving in the next few months, please see below:

Event Information:

  • Singing

    From 2001 to January 2008 I sang on Sundays at St Mary's, Bourne Street, SW1.

    This is a high Anglican church, which maintains an elaborate Anglo-Catholic tradition in its liturgy and music.

    The choir is a professional octet; I sang Tenor II. The Director of Music was William Whitehead, who is now a freelance recitalist who also lectures at the Royal Academy.

    The new Organist at St Mary's is David Trendell. He is ably assisted by Richard Hills.

    The repertory is a stimulating mixture, with a stress on Renaissance Masses  and motets, plus assorted Classical, Romantic and modern settings.

    Best (and most challenging) of all is the plainchant: sung off four-line neumatic notation by the four men.

    If you'd like to attend a service, check the church's website for details. Sung Masses on Sundays are at 11am.

    I am missing the regular singing and hope to return to it when the pressure of other work permits.