Schütz Choral Workshop for Cambridge Early Music
Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672) was the greatest composer to emerge in German-speaking lands before J.S. Bach. While his style is utterly distinctive, his music fascinatingly combines classical Palestrinian counterpoint with the latest Italian innovations in texture and harmony, all overlaid with a vividly expressive Lutheran attitude to text. The effect is dramatic, emotional and thoroughly human. While much of his music demands instruments and soloists, for this workshop day with David Allinson we will focus on the full-textured choral music of the Geistlich Chormusik (Op.11), published in 1648. The programme, to commemorate the 350th anniversary of Schütz’s death, is crowned by the astonishing late setting of the Magnificat, Meine Seele erhebt den Herren for double choir.
Places cost £25. Advance booking is essential.
In order to ensure a balanced ensemble, a waiting list will operate if numbers in a particular voice-part become over-subscribed. Bookings will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
**update 30 Sept: 1 Tenor and 1 Bass place remaining; waiting list for Sop and Alto.
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