Last updated: 16 August 2023
For more information on concerts, special services and workshops I am giving in the next few months, please see below:
Sat05Jan201910am-5pmSolihull Methodist Church, Bossomfield Road, Solihull, B91 1LD
O beata Lux – a day of light in winter
Sat16Feb20197:30 pmSt Gabriel's, Warwick Square, Pimlico, London. SW1V 2AD
Information and booking available here.
Fri29Mar20197:30 pmEastern Crypt, Canterbury Cathedral. CT1 2EH
Information and booking details will appear here.
Sat11May2019Parliament Room, Gloucester Cathedral, GL1 2LX
Exploring ‘Golden Age’ Portuguese polyphony from the city of Évora.
Masterpieces by Manuel Cardoso, Felipe de Magalhães and Duarte Lobo
Booking information will appear here.
Sat18May2019To Be Confirmed
Venue and theme to be confirmed.
Information will appear here.
Sat01Jun2019TBCSt Alban's Cathedral
Evensong followed by a brief recital.
Sat22Jun2019Challock Village Hall, nr Ashford, Kent. TN25 4AU
Booking information will appear here.
Sun28Jul2019Sat03Aug2019Ghent, Belgium
A week of Franco-Flemish Renaissance polyphony in the beautiful city of Ghent.
Details and booking here.